ASL University | Bookstore | Catalog | Dictionary | Lessons | Resources | Syllabi

Abbe Charles Michel de L'Epee
► ABC Stories
► Abuse:  "Deaf Abuse"
► Accommodations for the Deaf | 2 |
► Accreditation
► ACTFL Guidelines
► Adolescent Development
African Sign Language
► Age and learning ASL
► Ambidextrous signing?
► Americans with Disabilities Act
American Society for Deaf Children
► Animals and Sign Language
► Arthritis and ASL
► Articulation
► Artists, Deaf
► ASL [1] (a brief definition)
► ASL (definition)
► Assimilation
●  Assistive Technology: Communication Devices for the Deaf
► Attention Getting Techniques 1 | 2
Audism 1 | 2 (Note: Audism is different from Autism.  They are two different topics.)
Autism | 2
Avercamp, Hendrick
Baby Signing 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
Basketball and the Deaf  1 | 2 | 3
●  Baseball and ASL | 2 |
●  Bibliography
●  Big River
► Bedouins
► Bellydance and the Deaf Community
► Benefits: "The Benefits of American Sign Language"
► Bilingual Education | 1 | 2 |
► Body Language and ASL
●  Book Recommendation:  A Study of American Deaf Folklore
●  Book Recommendation:  Deaf in America
●  Book Recommendation: A Brief History of ASL
► Book Recommendation: Fingerspelling
► Book Recommendation:  Personal Pronouns
► Book Recommendation:  Initialization
► Book Recommendation: Terminology study guide
► Book Excerpt: The Purpose of Signed English
► Book Recommendation: "Janessa's Journey Through Her Mother's Eyes"
► Book Preview:  Specialized Signs
●  Book Spotlight:  What is ASL?
Bragg, Bernard
Brain: "The Deaf Brain"(Music)
Bridgman, Laura (Deaf-Blind)
Business: "Sign Language and Business"
Camp: Deaf Camp games for 3 to 5 year olds
► Captioning (close captioning)
► Careers in ASL | 2 | 3 |
► Career Trends for the Deaf
► Carpal Tunnel
► Certification to teach ASL?
► Children: Benefits of Learning ASL
●  Children:  Linguistic Development of Children who use ASL
► Children of Deaf Adults | 1 | 2 | 3 |
► Children:  So, your baby is going to be born deaf...
► Chimpanzees and ASL
●  Chinese Sign Language
► Church and the Deaf  |  notes2  |
► Clerc, Laurent 1 | ●  234 | 5  | 6 | 7 |
●  Closed Captioning
●  Club:  "ASL Club" guidance
●  Cochlear Implants (1)
●  Cochlear Implants (2)
●  CODA:  See: Children of Deaf Adults
●  Codeswitching
●  Cognition
●  Communicating with Deaf Students
●  Comparatives and Superlatives
●  Contact-Signing
► Compounds
► Contrastive Structure
► Countries: Indigenous Signs
●  Credit
► Criminal Justice System
Cub Scout Oath
●  Cued Speech (1)
●  Cued Speech (2)
●  Culture, Deaf
●  Culture, Deaf: Study Guide
Curriculum Development
► Dance: 1 (sign dance) | 2 | Dance and the Deaf
► Dating: Deaf and Hearing dating
Day Program for the Deaf: Student Report:
Deaf-blind: The Tadoma Method
●  Deaf Children:  Linguistic and Social Development
●  Deaf Culture (...)
●  Deaf Culture (Quiz)
●  Deaf Culture: Study Guide
●  Deaf Way II 
►  Deaflympics | 02 | 03
●  Deaf President Now | 2
●  Defining "Deaf"  What does "Deaf" mean?
► Degrees: "Should I pursue an advanced degree?"
► Dentistry and the Deaf
Directionality (verb agreement)
Disability: "Deafness as a Disability"
●  Discourse / Conversation negotiation techniques
Distinctions project
Driving and the Deaf | Drivers Licenses | Driving Schools and the Deaf
Documentation Form
Dogs:  "Hearing Dogs" | Canine Sign Language | Deaf Dogs
Drug Awareness and Treatment Services for the Deaf in a Hearing World (also see: Substance Abuse)
Dyslexia and Fingerspelling
Education, Deaf: 1 | 2
Educational Interpreter Performance Assessment (EIPA)
Emergency Services
Employment, Deaf 1 | 2 | 3 |
Entrepreneurship, Deaf
Equivalency: Classroom Contact Hours
Evolution of a sign
Evolution of a language: ASL
Eye Gaze (also see Lesson 5)
Extended Transcript Systems
Facial Expressions | 2
Fernandes, Jane K.
Finding and Meeting Deaf People
► Find an ASL Class
Fingerspelling: Receptive Practice
Fingerspelling 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
Fingerspelling Phobia
Fingerspelling in the Classroom
Font: "ASL Fingerspelling Font"
Football | 02 | Football Huddle
Foreign Language Credit
► Foreign Language: The Legitimacy of American Sign Language 
Foster Care
Frequently Asked Questions (1) (2) (3)  (4)  (5)
Frog: Race
Gallaudet, Edward Miner
Gallaudet, Thomas Hopkins1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Gallaudet-TrueType-"Fingerspelling Font"
Gallaudet University
Gaming: "Deaf Gamers"
Golf | 2 |
Gorillas | 2
Grammar of ASL
Grammar 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Hadden, Luther, "Dummy Taylor" baseball player
► Hard of Hearing: A Tale of Two Trucks
► Hard of Hearing: Zoning Rights
Healthcare and the Deaf | 2 | 3 |
Hearing Ear Dogs
Hearing Loss:  Types of
Heinicke, Samuel 1 | 2
Helen Keller: An Inspiration
Helen Keller: Success through persistence
Higher Education and Deaf Students
Hispanic / Latino Deaf Children in the United States
History of ASL 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
History Test
Hockey 1 | 2 |
Holocaust, Deaf People in the
Homework Requests
How do Deaf Children Learn to Read?(See: Literacy)
I have a question1 | 2
Idiom 1 | 2
ILY (I love you)
Indian Sign Language
Immersion Program
Initialized Signs 1 | 2
Instinct:  Deaf Instinct for Protologism and Neologism Discrimination
Interesting signs: "finish touch"
Interpreting in California
Interpreting | 2 | 3 |
Interpreting: "Educational Interpreting"
Interpreting: Medical
Interpreting in Texas
Interpreting: The Necessity For Sign Language Interpreters
Interpreting: Sample Legislation
Interpreting: What are the negatives?
Interpreter fees
Interpreter Pay
Interviews Index
Interview:  General interview for practicing ASL
Interview Dr. Michael Bienenstock
Interview: Bridgit Bonheyo
Interview: Brent Ehrig
Interview: Terol Galien
Interview: Connie Rubery
Interview: Belinda Vicars
Interview: Bill Vicars |  2  | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Japanese Deaf Culture
Job Advice: How to get a job teaching ASL
Karaoke for the Deaf
Keller, Helen | 2 |
Language Deprivation
Language Acquisition | 2 |
Language:  Early Acquisition | 2 |
Language Extinction | 2
Language Of the Deaf Community
Late Deafened Adult1 | 2 | Reflections
►  Law Enforcement and the Deaf
Learning ASL:  Why study ASL?
Learning ASL:  Getting practice
Learning ASL:  Hints
●  Learning Disabilities
Left-handed signers | 2
Left-handed numbering
Lexicalized Fingerspelling
Linguistic Intuition
Linguistics of ASL  | 2  | 3 | (parameter grouping)
Literacy and the Deaf  | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Literacy: ASL Literacy
Little Deaf Riding Hood
Loan Signs (Lexical Borrowing)
LOVE (Linguistics of Visual English)
Low, Juliette (Girl Scouts)
Made-up Signs
Mainstreaming 1 | 2
Malkowski, Gary
Martha's Vineyard
Martial Arts and the Deaf
Manually Coded English
Martial Arts and the Deaf
► Matlin, Marlee 1 | 2 | 3 |
Media and the Deaf
Medical Interpreting
Meeting Deaf People
Mental Health
Mental Illness and the Deaf
Mental Impairment and the Deaf
Methodical Sign Language
Mexican Sign Language | 02 |
Military Service and the Deaf
Miller, Marven: The Town of Laurent (Deaf Town)
Minimal Pairs
●  Ministry: "Deaf Ministry"
Miss Deaf America Pageant  | 2  |  3  |  Pageants  | Pageants 2  |
Mitochondrial Disease And Deafness
Morphemes: Form vs. Process
Morris, Osei
Movies 01 | 02 |
Mouthing in ASL 1 | 2
Mr. Mrs. Ms. Dr.
► Music and the Deaf:  1
Museum of Deaf History
NAD: National Association of the Deaf
Name Signs 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
National Technical Institute for the Deaf 1 | 2
National Theater of the Deaf1 | 2 | 3
Navigating a Deaf Environment
Neurolinguistics of ASL
Nonlinguistic Communication (Bill Vicars)
Non-Manual Markers
Nonverbal -Will ASL use harm speech development?
Noun-verb pairs [Also see: Lesson 5]
Numbers: discussion
One handed signing | 2
Onomatopoeic Signs
Pageants | 2 | 3
Palm Orienation
●  Parents, "Deaf Parents"
Peace Officer Training and the Deaf
Person Affix [agency or "agent affix]
Pledge of Allegiance
Poker and the Deaf
Pond:  The Deaf Community as a Pond Analogy
Pride, Deaf: and Hearing attempts at disabling the Deaf
Pronoun Placement
Proposal:  ASL Course Proposal outline
Protest at Gallaudet University (2006)
Psychology of "Deaf People"
Reflections of an ASL student
Reflections of a late deafened adult
Regional Dialects in ASL 
Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf - (Katie Caillavet)
Religious Signing and Deaf Ministries
Relay Services
Repeated movement of signs (repetition)
Request a sign
Requests to "add class"
Research Papers
Residential Schools for the Deaf
Right or Left Hand
●  Rochester Method (brief definition)
●  Rochester Method (full article)
Role Shift
Script 01
SCUBA Diving and ASL
► SEE (see "Signed English")
Semantic Range
Signed English | SEE | 2 |
► Sign Language Diversity1 | 2 | 3
Signing Notes
Signing with something in your hand
► Signwriting1 | 2 |
► Smith, Deaf (Erastus) 1 | 2
► Snow Skiing
► Snowboarding | Deaflympics Snowboarding
Sociolinguistic Variation of ASL
Skorohodova, Olga (Russia's own "Hellen Keller")
► Soccer
► Sports and the Deaf | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Stern, Shoshanna (Deaf Actress)
Substance Abuse | 2 |
Suicide Prevention
Swimming and Deaf People
Synesthesia, auditory-kinesthetic
Tale of Two Trucks
Tattooing in the Deaf Community
Teacher: How to become a teacher of the Deaf
Technical Signs
Telecommunications for the Deaf | 2 |
Telephone Relay Service
Temporal Adverbs
Terminology | 3 |
●  TEST Activity: First 100 Signs Quiz
TEST: "ASL Proficiency Test" (advice on taking)
Theatre | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Titles 1 | 2
Tobacco and the Deaf Community
Tongue Twisters in ASL?
Trilingualism [print version] PDF version ]
Tutors and tutoring
●  TTY
Video Relay Services 1 | 2 | 3 |
Verb agreement / inflection
Vocational Rehabilitation
Voicing in ASL class?
Wanted List:  List of signs scheduled for development
Writers, Deaf andHard of Hearing
Writing and Deaf People
Workshops-(So,you want a workshop?)
World Games for the Deaf:  Now called " Deaflympics"
Wrestling, Deaf
Years in ASL

Researchers and students are welcome to submit their ASL-related articles or papers for possible inclusion in the Lifeprint Library. For additional instructions, see: Research Paper Instructions