DrVicars: Okay now let's talk about conversation maintenance techniques,
specifically, behavior
you use to get information.
When you are conversing with a Deaf person and he signs something you
don't recognize, use
the "HEY" sign to stop him before he goes much further.
(Because if he keeps going and you
are "lost," he is only wasting his time.)

The "HEY" sign is not the same as waving "hello."
The sign is palm down, fingers spread,
fingertips pointing forward, fingertips moving up and down about four
inches, in a fluttering
motion. The movement is from the wrist. "HEY" is
a great way to tell someone you want
immediate attention. After he stops, you show him the sign you didn't
understand, (approximate
it if you aren't sure). He will then sign it again, or fingerspell it
to you...
DrVicars: If he spells too quickly then you might have to tell him slow
down. You all know the
sign for
Lii: Yes.
DrVicars: Anyone need me to explain it?
Crazy: no
Art: Please
Tigie: Up and down the arm?
DrVicars: Okay take the right "b" palm with the thumb relaxed,
and place it palm down on the
back of the left "b" palm. Then drag the right palm up the
left forearm.
Sandy: Are there degrees of slowness? i.e., I thought you just
dragged from fingertips to wrist.
DrVicars: San you are right about the degrees. If you move just to
the wrist, it means a normal,
everyday, casual "slow." The higher up the arm you go, the
more slow you want. Strangely
enough, if you do the movement very quick, it means "extremely
slow." (Also you can do the
sign very slowly to mean "extremely slow," but this takes up too
much time.)
DrVicars: Good question and comment.
Sandy: :) You can guess why I learned this sign quickly!
DrVicars: LOL
Lii: LOL
DrVicars: Okay after the deaf person spells it slow and you catch it, you
might want to sign it
back to the Deaf person (slowly and with a yes/no facial expression) to give
him a chance to see
if you are signing it right or to correct you if you don't quite have it.
DrVicars: Then you go on with your conversation until the next unknown
sign pops up.
Dr. Vicars
I attended my friend Mark’s party. Mark is deaf and just about everyone at
the party was deaf. A majority of the people at the party were between the
ages of 18 and 25, but some were a little older. I noticed a lady who was a
friend of a friend who was in her early 30’s and she was hearing. Her
mannerisms stuck out greatly. I noticed one time during the night there were
two people engaged in a signing conversation and the woman walked right
through them without even realizing the effect she was having on the
conversation that was taking place. You could tell that the deaf people were
offended. There was another guy who was there who was deaf and wasn’t very
receptive to those of us who were hearing. He refused to carry a
conversation with any of us, or anyone else who was conversing with us. I
have been around a group of deaf people before, but I haven’t been in a
setting like this. It was interesting to see how people react to one another
when they come from different cultures.
You mentioned: <<I noticed one time during the night there were two people
engaged in a signing conversation and the woman walked right through them
without even realizing the effect she was having on the conversation that
was taking place. You could tell that the deaf people were offended.>>
Actually, it is common for us to walk between other people's conversations
at parties. It is often unavoidable. So we just do it and get it over with.
No need for big "excuse me" comments either...that just wastes time.
I'm surprised that the deaf were "offended." Perhaps she "dallied"
in-between the two people blithely unaware...that would be somewhat
bothersome but I wouldn't find it offensive unless she were doing it on
I wonder if your deaf friends were showing disdain or condescension (rather
than offense) toward her by portraying to each other an attitude of
impatience with having to put up with a "clueless hearie."
In a message dated 3/16/2006 8:01:56 A.M. Pacific Standard
Time, cbenn@.org writes:
Hi Bill-
I'm reading through your information on Deaf
culture, and I've talked with a previous sign instructor
about Deaf culture. I look at your comment about the Deaf
Culture Police, and certain methods of gaining a person's
attention being unacceptable from a hearing person. I also
remember an incident many years ago in which a Deaf person
approached me, was signing to me trying to communicate
something, and having had NO ASL experience at that time, I
(not realizing what a no-no it was) handed the person a
piece of paper to write it down so I could figure out what
she was trying to tell me. The person became furious, then
waved her hands at me and stomped off. (I know why now).
It seems to me (an outsider) that individuals who are Deaf
have a huge intolerance for hearing individuals, and seem to
have a real prejudice when it comes to accommodating a
hearing person's differences. Hearing individuals seem to
be almost shunned. Is this a correct perception? It
really seems as though there is a strong resistance in the
Deaf Community to accommodating a hearing person's "ASL
disability" or "deaf culture disability".
Cindi Carnes
First of all, you seem to be a very intelligent, caring individual.
I applaud your expedition into the Deaf World. My comments below may
seem sharp, but are meant to be so only in the sense that a surgeons
scalpel is intended to be sharp. The surgeon himself has no desire
to cause pain to the patient, but rather to deal with the
underlying issue in an efficient, effective manner.
Here are my thoughts on the topic:
You use loaded words like "intolerance, shunned, and prejudice" to
refer to Deaf behavior.
You then use mitigating words like "differences" to refer to Hearing
Deaf people prefer to be with other Deaf people for many reasons,
the chief among them being the ability to communicate at high
Imagine yourself in a sports car on a multi-lane highway. Now
imagine it is a 75 mph zone but in every lane, driving side by side,
there are slow-pokes doing 30 miles per hour. How would you feel
after just a few moments of having to drive behind these people?
Now imagine having to commute to work everyday there and back behind
these slow pokes? Now imagine they are doing 15 mph instead of 30.
Now imagine they frequently break down and ask you to tow them to
their destination.
All you want to do is get to work and get home and you'd like to do
it at full highway speeds. Can you imagine the frustration?
Now, imagine one of the lanes frees up and starts moving at 75 miles
per hour. Would you hang around behind the slowpoke, or would you
hastily move away from the slowpoke and get into the fast lane? It
isn't that you have anything against the slowpoke. You don't really
know him. You just want to get to where you are going and getting
in the fast lane is the least frustrating, most enjoyable way of
getting to your destination.
It is the same for Deaf people every day of their lives. They are
surrounded by Hearing people and their slow-poke signing. Sure, we
tend to avoid you, but not because we hate you. We avoid you in the
same way you get out from behind the slowpoke on the highway. It is
nothing personal.
Another example is a bee or wasp. How do you react around wasps?
You tend to avoid them because they can (and sometimes do) sting
you. If you are sitting at the kitchen table near a closed window
and a wasp comes up to the window and buzzes against the glass how
do you react? You get uncomfortable don't you? You feel
uncomfortable even though the window is closed and it is totally
irrational to think the wasp could break the window and sting you.
It is the same for many Deaf people. We have been stung by hearing
con-artists, mechanics, contractors, and medical professionals. And
maybe not us personally, but we know of others who have been stung.
And just the fear of getting stung is enough to cause us Deaf people
to behave the way we do around Hearing people.
I need to state this very clearly: It is absurdly easier for a
Hearing person to learn to sign than it is for a Deaf person to
learn to talk.
This fact seems lost on many Hearing people. They expect us to
accommodate them. That is like expecting "Interstate Highway 5" to
slow down. That is absurd. If you want to get on the highway you
should speed up...not the other way around. If you are incapable of
driving at highway speeds, content yourself to driving around town
at 30mph (attending deaf events and sitting on the edges doing more
watching than signing). I have a bike. I often bike to work. I
don't label motorists as prejudicial and resistant to accommodating
me when they speed past at much higher speeds. I realize my place
on the road and I enjoy the ride.
If I want to be accepted on the road I have to invest in a faster
vehicle If Hearing people want to be accepted in the Deaf Community
they need to invest in ASL classes, videos, lurking time, and
Consider how medical doctors feel when they go to a party or to
church. Everyone and their dog comes up to them and starts listing
off symptoms for some free medical advice. So what do doctors do?
They get unlisted phone numbers.
Do you label doctors as prejudiced because they say, "Let's schedule
you an appointment at the office so I can run a few tests" (instead
of helping you right there at the party). They don't want to waste
their party time on you. They want to go chat with their friends
and have a good time. Do you label them as impatient because they
don't want to talk to you in that circumstance and want to be paid
for their knowledge?
If you want a Deaf person to be patient with your slow signing, PAY
one of us to be patient with you. Hire a tutor.
Okay, now on to a separate topic: You state that handing a deaf
person a piece of paper to write something down is a "no-no." Who
told you that? I don't think there is anything wrong in general with
handing a Deaf person a piece of paper and pencil.
While it is likely the Deaf person "stomped off" in frustration, it
is also possible that there are other reasons. Maybe she couldn't
write very well or at least couldn't write the particular concept
she had in mind and was thus embarrassed?
The Deaf person approached you, not the other way around. You were
innocently trying to communicate via a time-tested approach.
Dr. Bill