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American Sign Language: Contact Signing

Also known as: Pidgin Signed English (PSE)

Note:  ASL linguistics tend to use the term "Contact Signing" rather than PSE.  The reason for this is that "contact signing" doesn't quite seem to fit the commonly held definition (or conventions) of  a typical "pidgin" language as used by linguists.  You will still see the term PSE used from time to time. But I suggest you use the newer term "contact signing."

DrVicars: What is a "pidgin?"

Students said:  "A combination of two languages."

DrVicars: Okay, so what is PSE, anybody know?

Sandy: pidgin sign English

DrVicars: Is it a language?

Tigie: yes

Monica: yes

Sandy: yes but no rules

DrVicars: Depends on whom you talk to. [Yes, contact signing has "rules" or "characteristics of usage."]

KC: (like Ebonics)

Tigie: :-)

Sandy: q

DrVicars: GA Sandy  [GA means "Go Ahead"]

Sandy: If there are so many forms of PSE, how do people communicate who try to use it?

DrVicars: First of all, let's clarify that PSE or contact signing is not a language.  It can be considered a "contact language." Some might even call it a "Creole," (A Creole is a more complex form of a Pidgin).  But most linguists will tell you that contact signing is not a language in the sense that ASL and English are.  Let me state that in no uncertain terms. 

Sandy: Contact language?

DrVicars: It is used to bridge the gap between hearies and deafies when they are together. I hope that my use of the term hearies and deafies is not offensive to any of you.

Tigie: doesn't offend me

DrVicars: Anyway, a contact language is for those times when two different language speakers make contact like hearing and deaf, ASL and English. You end up with a "contact" language that neither tends to use at home.

KC: Is it the language interpreters use?

DrVicars: Interpreters use a wide variety of systems including SEE, contact signing, ASL, and other communication modes. It depends on the client and the situation.

I don't do much interpreting because of my hearing loss, (you've heard of the blind
leading the blind? --I am the hard-of-hearing leading the Deaf, heh), but when I used to  interpret, (back when I could hear pretty good) I tend to use a mix of PSE and ASL --I matched my signing style to that of the deaf person.

Here in the in the Northern Utah area I see a lot of contact signing.

Which brings up an interesting point:

You might ask a Deaf person (in the northern Utah Deaf Community) what he signs, he will tend to respond, "ASL." He responds this way because it is the "Culturally Correct" thing to say, (even though he had hearing parents and grew up signing SEE or PSE at the Utah State School for the Deaf).

It is true that as a Deaf person gets out in the world his signs tend to become more ASL-like,
but it would be inappropriate (in this situation) to deny the influence of many years of Signed
English in the classroom and at home.  

Don't get me wrong here.  Most members of the "Adult Deaf Community" (here and throughout the U.S.) do use American Sign Language.  It is also true that most of those same Deaf people are bilingual (know two languages) to the extent that they also know English.  (I didn't say they were English Majors in college--I said they knew English). 

Sandy: So, would people well "versed" in ASL be pretty understanding as we learn and bridge
the gap?

DrVicars: Oh yes! They are generally very nice about it. Wouldn't you be if you were Deaf?

Sandy: :-)

Art: Cool

Monica: Like going to a foreign country and having to find the ladies room...You get the
message across :)

Sandy: LOL

DrVicars: Yes that is correct.