background noise
light behind speaker
speaker has accent
speaker has speech impediment
Air Conditioner is running
Small child’s voice
Hearing Aid battery is dead
Person on TV is “off camera or not facing the camera.” Also if the
TV is more than a few feet away.
Person is more than a few feet away or speaks at below 60 decibels
Person covers his mouth or turns to write on the blackboard.
You are standing on my right (85 decibel loss)
It’s time to take out the garbage
Quiet environment
Appropriate lighting
Clear view of mouth
Amplifier on phone
I have my hearing aid on
Standard American English articulation
Person is within a few feet and speaks at 60 decibels or above.
Person isn’t chewing gum, smoking, or eating.
Person on TV is facing the camera, his mouth movements can be seen,
and the volume is at 70 decibels
Some song lyrics if they are dominant and the graphic equalizer is
set at a reverse “cookie bite.”
you are standing on my left (55 decibel loss)
It’s time to eat.