...A problem I'm having with my level 2 students
this year: The teacher last year taught them many
signs that are wrong and a few ways that I simply
won't accept. Now they're all up-in-arms because I
require them to earn their grades when last year's
teacher simply gave everybody 100%. (Mind you, now
they aren't where they should be. A few of the
students are sort of figuring it out. I'll hear
things such as "Mrs. _____., last year I got an A+,
but I don't really know anything." But for the most
part, I simply get "Why can't you just do it the
same as last year?" My response to that is that I'm
not last year's teacher and I'm trying to get them
to where they can have competent signed
conversations with Deaf adults. They don't even know
that some signs have more than one meaning (ie.,
SUNDAY, WONDERFUL, GREAT...) or that some words have
more than one sign (ie., WHAT or RIGHT). Then when I
try to teach them these concepts, it doesn't sink in
because it's not what they were taught last year.
But, I'm still plugging away...semester finals are
coming up at the end of the month. :-) Thanks so
much for "listening" I appreciate the chance to
speak to someone who knows.
Have a good week!