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Numbers 1-10  /  11-20  /  21-30  /  31-40  /  100-900  / 1000 and up  /  Fractions 
The idea here is to show two numbers with the top number being the numerator and the bottom number being the denominator.


Here is a more "casual" way to sign 1/2

Note: In everyday usage, most fractions are often done while holding the hand palm back with the fingertips pointing somewhat to the left. 


For all of the various fractions you just show the numerator, then move the hand down a bit and show the denominator.

Numbers 1-10  /  11-20  /  21-30  /  31-40  /  100-900  / 1000 and up  /  Fractions 
American Sign Language University ™ ASL resources by © Dr. William Vicars
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