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American Sign Language: "gold"

To do the sign for "gold" point your index finger at your ear lobe and then move your hand away from your ear as you change the handshape into the letter "y." End with a very small shake.



Also see: SILVER

The sign for "gold" is seems pretty likely based on the concept of a "gold ear ring."  You point to where the ear ring is at (your ear lobe) and then you indicate that it is yellow. 

Sometimes students tell me that their local teacher or Deaf friend does the sign GOLD by using a "G"-hand instead of a "Y"-hand and they want to know which version is "right." 

Of course you should sign "GOLD" however it is signed in your local Deaf community (native multi-generational signers). If you want to get an "A" in your ASL class you should of course do it however your instructor likes to see it done. 

I will suggest however that the "G"-hand version is considered more of an English-like sign.

I think it is good to know and recognize both versions but I recommend my own students stick with the classic "Y"-hand version because of its strong ties to the sign for CALIFORNIA ("the golden state"). 


You can learn sign language (ASL) online at American Sign Language University ™  ©  Dr. William Vicars