The sign for "who" as several variations.
A good general variation is to place the tip of your thumb on your chin with
your index finger extended. Bend your index finger twice.
Notice, some people do this sign without touching the chin. They hold an
"X" handshape in front of their chin/mouth and wiggle the index finger up and
down (quickly changing it from an fully bent X to a partially bent X a couple
times). Personally I prefer the "touch chin with thumb" variation, but I
wouldn't consider it wrong if someone used the "non-contact" version. Also,
you will see people who do the movement from the large knuckle instead of
the small and middle knuckles -- that is okay too.
WHO (Version 1)
Memory aid: Imagine that the reason your finger is fluttering is because of the the air that flows from your
mouth when you say "who."

Here is an old sign for WHO. (Not
This version isn't used by many people any more.
It is made by putting your right index finger in front of your lips. Move your
finger in a circular motion as if tracing an "O" around your mouth:

Optional (NOT required) reading:
In a message dated 1/18/2008 9:41:03 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,
wsisneros@ writes:
I was checking
signs on your website so I could refresh my memory and look up new
signs. I wanted to look up "Who" because I have seen a different
sign used, and I thought it was just a variant. I was unaware that
the sign I was using for "Who" was an old
version. It was the one I learned when I was a little girl and have
been using ever since. No one has ever told me any different. Why is
it not recommended to use it? I'm just curious.
Wendi Sisneros
Hi Wendi,
I recommend to my students that they use whatever sign is most prevalent in
their region.
It has been my observation that the "straight index finger drawing a circle
in front of the lips" version of "WHO" is being used less and less
throughout the Deaf Community as a whole. There isn't anything "wrong" with
that sign, it is just becoming "outdated." Sort of like wearing clothing from
an earlier time period. Personally, I think of it as a "cool" old sign with
a great history. I was teaching the newer sign the other day and one of my
students (in his fifties) showed me the "circle" version of WHO. There
happened to be another Deaf person in the room and I asked her what she
thought about that sign. She replied "That is an English sign." To which I
cocked an eyebrow to challenge her a bit. She backed up a bit and
admitted that she
really didn't know if it was Signed English or just an older ASL sign but
that the typical ASL sign was the one done by bending and unbending
the index finger of the "L" hand with the thumb-tip touching the chin. (She
is about 25 years old.)
-- Dr. Bill