To do the general sign for "walk," hold your flat hands in front of you and
move them as if they were feet in the process of walking. Variation:
Some people use "3" handshapes instead of "flat hands."

Click here for another animation of:
WALK (.gif file)
This version is the same as the previous version except it uses "3
Some people use this version to mean "hiking."
Classifier 1 version:
WALK: "CL:1 version" (Classifier)

WALK-TO (version 1) (Walk: CL:V version) (Classifier)

WALK-to (version) =
You don't need to know this version for beginning level ASL classes. I'm just showing it
to you to let you know it exists.
I use this version in stories or narratives when I want to say something
like "I was walking..." or "I walked along for a while..."
Also see: WALK-to (version 2)