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American Sign Language: "talk-with"

The right sign for "talk-with" depends on who is doing the talking and what kind of talking you are doing. Since Deaf people "talk with" their hands, most of the time when you want to sign something like "I was talking with my (Deaf) friend and ..." you would use the sign for "chat." As in, "MY FRIEND WE-2 CHAT..."  See: CHAT

However, "TALK-WITH" is a good sign to know because it is the basis for several other signs such as "interview," "communicate," and "Total-Communication."

TALK-WITH / dialog:


Side view of TALK-WITH:




INTERVIEW:  If you initialize the sign "TALK-WITH" by using "I" hands instead of "index fingers" the sign will mean "interview."

If you do the sign "TALK-WITH"  with "C" handshapes it means "communication" or "communicate."

If you do the sign "TALK-WITH"  with "C" handshapes it means "communication" or "communicate."


It important to also know the more "hand focused" sign  "CHAT."  See: CHAT

If what you mean is "discuss" or "discussion" see: DISCUSS

For information on the topic of "talking" visit the "talk page."

You can learn sign language (ASL) online at American Sign Language University ™  ©  Dr. William Vicars

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