The sign for "sheep"
is made by forming the letter "v" with your right hand (if you are
righ t handed). Your left forearm is extended with your hand either closed or
open, palm downward. Bring the right hand
down onto the top of the left forearm, clip a bit of hair (as if your index and
middle fingers were scissors). Then withdraw the right hand an inch, open up the
"scissors," bring your right hand slightly further up
the left forearm and clip another swatch of imaginary hair from your imaginary

A student asks: "How do you sign lamb?"
You can add the sign "small" if you are
talking about an actual (animal)
lamb. Or you could sign "BABY SHEEP." If you are referring to
Jesus and you want to retain the metaphor for a song or dramatic
purposes in which the context makes it clear that you are referring to Jesus
then go ahead and sign SHEEP. If however you want to interpret the concept
to its literal meaning then sign "Jesus." See: