The sign for "hurt" is made by extending
the index fingers of both hands. Bring the fingers toward each other twice
using a jabbing movement.
A variation of this sign is to do a twisting movement as
you bring the tips of the index fingers toward each other. The right hand twists
one way and the left hand twists the other.
Note: Both versions of the sign for "HURT / PAIN" can be
done on or near the part of the body that is feeling pain. For example if
you have a toothache, you can indicate that in one sign by doing the sign "hurt"
near the side of your jaw. If you have a headache, you can indicate it by
signing "hurt" near your forehead. Personally, for a general headache
or toothache I use the double jab movement. But if it is a "killer"
headache I do a single strong twist of each hand simultaneously.
Also see:
Remember, USE FACIAL EXPRESSION with this sign. The more it hurts, the more
facial contortions.

ASL is a language that depends heavily on facial expressions. If
you are in "SERIOUS PAIN" then you need to show it on your face.
Version: HURT / pain
/ throbbing / aching
Use a double jabbing movement.

Optional / Advanced discussion:
(Not needed for class)
In a message dated 10/31/2007 9:23:20 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,
lalaliv314@ writes:
If the sign for pain/hurt can be signed over the body part that's
hurting, how would you indicate that your hand or finger(s) hurt?
Thank you very much,
that is a clever question!
Lucky you -- I've got a clever answer:
The concept of "hurt" is quite often expressed by spelling the word "hurt"
very quickly near the location of the pain. The spelling of "hurt" can
actually take the form of "lexicalized fingerspelling." (Check out the
topic of
fingerspelling at the library.) When used at the
location of the pain this sign is also considered to be a "locative" sign.
In response to your question about "how would you indicate that your hand or
finger(s) hurt?" -- I'd do the sign for "hands" and then sign "pain." Or if
it was a specific point on my hand I'd point to it and sign "pain." If it
were my "left" elbow, I'd likely just spell "hurt" (as a lexicalized
version) near the elbow, while using appropriate facial expression.
Dr. Bill