The right sign for "great" depends on your meaning. Generally "great" is
done as "wonderful." Hold both five handshapes out in front of you at about
the height of your head (higher if you are more enthusiastic). Push
both hands forward twice. The sign starts with the hands back and ends with
the hands out.
WONDERFUL / "Great!"
The sign for "great" as is in "large" is done as a modified form of the
sign "big."
LARGE / great / big / huge
See: BIG
In a message dated 10/13/2002 7:50:42 PM Central Daylight Time, a student
"Can you please let me know how to produce the symbol for the word top;
meaning "on top of the world." Thanks for your assistance."
- Mary Whelan
"On top of the world," meaning what?
If I'm feeling "on top of the world" I'd sign, "I
"Great" is expressed by using the sign "WONDERFUL."
- Dr. Bill
A student asked me how to sign "God is great!" Or "God is awesome!"
"Great" or "awesome" would use the sign "WONDERFUL" For an example
see: "God is awesome!"
(Adjust your facial expressions to match the circumstances. In the video I'm
thinking in terms of signing during a reverent Sunday service. But if you
are at an exciting "revival" meeting then you would certainly want to show
corresponding emotion.)