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American Sign Language:  "enjoy"


The sign for "enjoy" looks like you are signing "please" with both hands.  One on the chest, one on the belly.  Both hands move up and down at the same time, but when the right hand moves left, the left hand moves right.  When the right hand moves right, the left hand moves left.

ENJOY / appreciate / pleasure / appreciate


Note, during the sign for enjoy, the right hand is on the chest (or an inch or so out from the chest).  The left hand is on the belly (or an inch out from the belly).  The right hand moves in a clockwise circle (from the viewer's perspective).  The left hand simultaneously moves in a counterclockwise motion.  

This same sign also means "appreciate."
As in "I appreciate your company" which is similar to saying "I enjoy having you around."



You can learn sign language online at American Sign Language (ASL) University ™ 
Sign language lessons and resources.  Dr. William Vicars ©

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