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American Sign Language:  "door"

Concepts to understand:

  DOOR:  Only the dominant hand moves during this sign.  This sign uses two movements. The dominant hand opens then closes. It is a combination of the signs "open-door" and "close-door."
  OPEN:  Both hands move during this sign. 
  OPEN-DOOR: Only the dominant hand moves during this sign.
  CLOSE-DOOR: Only the dominant hand moves during this sign.
  CLOSED:  Both hands move during this sign.

The sign "door" uses an open and close motion. Just move the dominant hand. Imagine the hinges are on your pinkie.



-DOOR:  Uses a single "open" movement.



CLOSE-DOOR:  Uses a single "close" movement.


To sign "open" as in the phrase, "Dr. Bill, please open the expensive gift I gave you," - start with your hands together, (palms forward) and then swing both hands backward (toward yourself).



To sign "close" as in "shut," start with your hands open (palms facing) and then swing both hands forward:

CLOSE (general sign) 





The right hand pivots open and then closes. The left hand stays stationary.  This sign can also mean, depending on the rest of your sentence, "closet" or "cupboard."


Still with me reading this far? 
Good for you, that means you now get to learn the secret cool insider information about this sign. 
Truth be told, in addition to such concepts as "open" and "close" the sign DOOR can also be used to mean: cupboard, closet, cabinet, cellar, etc.  The conveyed meaning depends on your context.


You can learn sign language online at American Sign Language (ASL) University ™ 
Sign language lessons and resources.  Dr. William Vicars ©

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