To do the sign for "don't mind" touch the
tip of your index finger to your nose, then sweep the tip of the index
finger in an arch until it is pointing down and forward.
This sign can be used to ask, "Would it be okay if I..."
DON'T MIND? = "Do you
mind if...?"
Sample sentence: Would you mind helping me tomorrow? = TOMORROW
you-HELP-me you-MIND?
This next version (which uses less facial expression) can be used to reply,
"I don't mind."
(But realistically, I'd just sign "OK," "SURE," or "FINE" instead of "I
don't mind.")
The sign "don't mind" can be used to mean "I don't care." But there is
another sign that more specifically expresses the concept of "I don't care,"
see: "DON'T CARE."