The sign "don't-KNOW" starts similar to the sign for KNOW and then
twists the hand to that it points forward. You can emphasize the
"not knowing" aspect of this sign by shaking your head a bit and
raising your shoulders a bit (see the version further below).

Below I'm showing a "casual" version of the sign. Note how it starts on
or near the cheek (instead of the forehead) and twists forward. This version
of the sign "don't know" uses a movement somewhat similar to "know that." The difference
is that DON'T KNOW keeps the "B" (or "flat") handshape and tends to raise the
shoulders and use a head shake.
don't-KNOW (casual version

If you have Windows media player, you might be able to view this .wmv file:
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ASL resources by © Dr. William Vicars