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ASL American Sign Language (42 bytes) ASL American Sign Language (42 bytes) ASL American Sign Language (42 bytes) ASL American Sign Language (42 bytes)

ASL American Sign Language (42 bytes)
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ASL American Sign Language (42 bytes) ASL American Sign Language (42 bytes) ASL American Sign Language (42 bytes) ASL American Sign Language (42 bytes)

Course Advisor:
ASL American Sign Language (42 bytes) ASL American Sign Language (42 bytes) ASL American Sign Language (42 bytes) ASL American Sign Language (42 bytes)

Which course you should take depends on your needs:

ASL Level 1 Self-study (FREE)  (No registration)
I am a casual learner who would like an easy, organized way to study ASL through the internet at my own pace without having to buy anything.  I don't need to test myself.  I don't need documentation.  I just want to learn how to communicate with my friend, coworker, relative, or Deaf people that I happen to meet.

ASL Level 1 [Home School / Self-study]  (Material fee. No registration.)
I am a home school or self-study student and want to be able to test my progress by using computer-based testing.  I prefer to purchase the course materials from the ASLU bookstore and use them on my own and track my own progress or that of my child.  I do not need authoritative documentation. 

 ASL Level 1 [College-equivalent study]  (Registration fee, includes materials)
I need authoritative documentation of  my participation in an organized continuing education experience under responsible sponsorship, capable direction and qualified instruction. I need to satisfy a language course or continuing education requirement at my local school or organization by taking a course equivalent to a 3 semester-credit-hour college course or a 1-semester high school course.  I have checked and my local school or organization has indicated in writing that they are willing to accept continuing education units from ASLU.

ASL Level 2 [College-equivalent study]  (Registration fee, includes materials)
I need a second semester course that provides authoritative documentation of  my participation in an organized continuing education experience under responsible sponsorship, capable direction and qualified instruction. I need to satisfy a language course or continuing education requirement at my local school or organization by taking a course equivalent to a 3 semester-credit-hour college course or a 1-semester high school course.  I have checked and my local school or organization has indicated in writing that they are willing to accept continuing education units from ASLU.


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